Tuesday, August 31, 2004

What Service Pack Is Installed?

How do I find what service pack is installed?

To find out the version of Windows your are running, and what service pack use the following steps:
Step 1: Click Start\Run
Step 2: Winver

Monday, August 30, 2004

Win2K : Loader Error 3

When attempting to boot computer(PC\Server\Laptop), the following error is encountered:
windows 2000 could not start because of an error in the software.
Please report this problem as loader error 3

This error indicates that there is a problem with NTLDR, sytem files or Registry hive. First step, take a deep breathe, we can fix this.
Step 1. Boot the machine from the applicable Win2K (professional,Server or Advance Server)CD.
Step 2. Navigate to the repair console.
Step 3. You will be @ the system root, which should be "c:\winnt". Change to the root directory by typing "cd \" and press enter.
Step 4. Rename the NTLDR file. Type"ren NTLDR NTLOADER", press enter.
Step 5. Copy the NTLDR file from the Win2K CD to the root of C:\. Type "copy <cdrom drive letter>:\i386\ntldr c:\", press enter.
Step 6. Remove cd & reboot.

Or to Replace the Registry hive:
The limit for the SYSTEM hive is around 10.Mb. What you will need to do is to:
Step 1. Boot into the Recovery Console using the Win2K CD, and rename the current SYSTEM hive in WINNT\SYSTEM32\CONFIG, and replace it with a smaller one from the WINNT\REPAIR hive to get booted. After enaming and copying proceed to next step.
Step 2. Reboot
Step 3. Once rebooted, you can reload the original hive and try to find out what in the registry is taking up the space.

******** For future protection, take sytem state backups frequently *******

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

OSI Model / CCNA

Anyone interested in networking or technology should have a basic understanding of the Layers of the OSI Model, and how they interact.
Seven layers are defined:
7) Application: Provides different services to the applications
Presentation : Converts the information
Session : Handles problems which are not communication issues
Transport : Provides end to end communication control
Network : Routes the information in the network
Data Link : Provides error control between adjacent nodes
Physical : Connects the entity to the transmission media

Remember by using this Acronym:
Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away

At a minimum you will need to have a basic understanding of four core areas of Networking; Planning & Design, Implementation & Operations, Troubleshooting and Technology environments. IThis is a very high level description of what you will need to know. More Specifically the CCNA certification (Cisco Certified Network Associate) indicates a foundation in and apprentice knowledge of networking. CCNA certified professionals can install, configure, and operate LAN, WAN, and dial access services for small networks (100 nodes or fewer), including but not limited to use of these protocols: IP, IGRP, Serial, Frame Relay, IP RIP, VLANs, RIP, Ethernet, Access Lists.

This is a great certification to compliment your degree or MCSE.

CCNA Certification

I will be getting ready for the CCNA test. Test #640-801, I feel pretty secure about it, and will enter more study material for those interested.
I truly have a full plate. I am currently attending University of Phoenix, working full-time, studying for my certifications, and a single parent of two......

Life is wonderful, and accept each precious moment that is allotted to me...

Technical Support

I am changing my Blog from a tool for reflection to a tool with functionality. I initially pursued this method of documentation in an effort to save, what I thought was an important relationship.......

Thus purpose has been redefined.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Weathering The Storm.....

Staying in a progressive state of mind is VERY hard. It is being tested on a daily basis, and from various directions. The last couple of days I have been taking steps forward and backward. At his point I am uncertain how much I have regressed or progressed. I will stay @ this moment I feel pretty confident that I am at the very least progressing in a positive direction.

1. I currently enrolled in college to complete my degree. In this class I am currently attending, I am assigned to a team. The teams are to submit a persuasive research paper sumarazing a given topic. Team mate A subitted , for the teams review, text found on a web site. Team mate B, took this text, cpoied and pasted it into a word document, and then wanted to submit it as the team assignment. This is plagiarism, yet no one on my team realizes this.

After I realized this paper was a word for word copy of a referenced web site, on the day the paper was due, I thenstarted and completed the paper and submitted it so we would not get a zero. I have since experienced negative backlash from my team mates.

2. After my vacation, I have noticed that things have gone back to normal @ home. My chioldren just are not getting the kind of attention they need. I believe this is the case because they are not the top priority. This scares me, makes me angry, and makes me re-evaluate my judgement of character.

I have tried everything I know how to, to address this without much success. It seems as if my childrens care giver is only a baby sitter. There to make sure they do not hurt themselves. There are virually no develomental activities, absolutley no structure to the enviroment. I have to find someone who will provide the kind of attention that will help my children grow, and address thier needs as children and individuals. They are young and need to be shaped, and taught various basic skills, such as communicating, social etc. I wish I could be a house husband so these may be provided, but that is not possible at this point in my life. I must make some descisions to address these. I can no longer afford to focus on the problem, and redirect my energy towards a solution. I must replace\release my care giver. I need my care giver to leave as soon as possible, but of course that is my responsibility as well. My shoulders may bear only so much before they break.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Shataan is Coming

Well, today was an all around bad day. In school my team mates inadverdantly commited plagiarism, so I had to completely redo the team paper alone. It is good to realize that I have that capability to do a quality paper in such short time.

The finacial problems, and relational are rearing thier head again. Things with eventually get worst between LP and I if she isn't more responsible. We are just so different, and our lives are going in different directions.

But in looking at the big picture, some things occurred today that forced me back a couple of steps. I was very negative, and not very productive. But, I will be strong. I will win. I will not let the things or people I think are holding me back do it any longer.
I must get in control. this can only occur by removing certain aspects of my life, and take more responsibility for other parts. This certainly will not be easy, but it is necessary, as a man, individual and a Father I must make these hard, hard choice.
God be with me....

Friday, August 13, 2004

Good, Bad, & the Ugly

I am not feeling well today. VERY sharp pain in my abdomin. I do not think I will be able to workout now.
I can feel the old attitude attempting creep up on me. I am fighting it though. I think I need something to eat......

Sharing ideals, rebuilding the house that is broken

Yesterday was absolutely GREAT! My new found freedom from the wieght of anger, resentment, being such a negative person is truely liberating. A Bonus, I have been really sharing this idea with my wife, LP. I have also decided to show it to her so she can have a clear understanding of what I am experiencing. I think she likes it. Initially she was not very comfortable with it. She perceived my tone, and words as sarcastic.
The key in any relationship is communication. This new attitude encouraged her to be truely honest and tell me how she was feeling. She stated that she realizes that I am not trying to be sarcastic, but in spite of this knowledge her body was experiencing this reaction, which created some anxiety. This is expected of course. I am almost like a stranger to her now. That man she married was a angry guy, with life of regret, and faced an uncertain future. I may need to reintroduce myself to my wife. We may actually need to court each other.

Hey that is a great idea. I propose this to you LP, I want a divorce. A real divorce. Afterwards, I would like to go steady with you.

Hello my name is JP.
Will you be my girlfriend? ___ Yes / ___No / ___Maybe

What a way to rekindle lost love. Create new love, a whole new relationship. In doing so we forget the past a repave the road we will travel, and even realize the new destination....

Is could not be that simple could it? Yes, I believe it is. Wow, I actually feel nervous. I am anxious about what her answer will be.

Thursday, August 12, 2004


Well, I found another trait. I have lived with chaos, negativity, and drama for so long that my newly found perspective is being rejected by my subconscious. I guess it may be compared to an organ transplant. Often the body will attack this new organ.

I am not too familiar with success, and I realized act of sabotage that I may be committing against myself.......
NO LONGER...!!!!

I will accept the good.
Peace of mind & Peace of heart.....


Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Day Two of the Saga Continues ........

Day two of keeping the postive outlook is great. I have incorporated a few attitude adjustments, altered my perception, and begun taking steps to address the physical and emotional parts of my life that contribute to my downward spiral.
I 've realized the various aspects ofinfluence life that exist:

  1. Domestic
  2. Social
  3. Individual
  4. Physical
  5. Spiritual
  6. Metabolical
  7. Psychological
  8. Sexual
  9. Paternal

Seeming complex, you may say, 'What the hell are you talking about, Man?' Everything we say and do, all of our choices are influenced by any combination of these aspects of influence. The problem arises when we have one aspect having too much influence and we do not realize it. Seeing this point I have made choices to create a balance to keep all of these aspects of influence in balance. Like Nike's motto states, just do it based on you initial moral foundation. Based on who you are and what you want out of life. Make your choices with this in mind.

Right now, this very moment, I have the happiest, and most confident feeling I have had in my whole life. I feel like I have experienced what some call an 'epiphany'. I have simplified so much in my life, and made BOUNDS of progress in such a short-time. There is no need for self help seminars, or therapy. Just honesty with myself about who I am and the kind of man I am. Then, there are no more regrets.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

August 09, 2004

Today has been a pretty good day. Very productive. I was able to close six ticket, enter my logs, and complete school homework.
Nothing very interesting though, except for catching a guy breaking into a car here at work. This has proven that I am a lame. I actually went back into work to tell security. Now I am telling, singing like a bird, but that is the price you pay when becoming a responsible adult.

My new attitude met a few challenges, but nothing serious. I was able to stay professional, positive, and focused. I usually, allow people to get under my skin and it effects me the rest of the day.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Letty Jr @ the Park
Posted by Hello

First Day Back

Today, I am back @ work after two weeks of vacation.

I have to play catch up and I am wondering how far I have fallen in the 'polls'. The smell of pending lay-offs is fairly obvious and I need to put myself in the running to keep my job. This may be a crappy job, but it is a job. I have this little one to take care of.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Blogger Help : What is BlogThis! ?

Enjoying a day @ the Park..
Posted by Hello

First Day

Well, I am starting my first blog in an effort to have an available venue to post and track my activities.